Alecsandri's Work and the Romanian Language Literary in the Nineteenth Century


  • Prof. Ichim-Radu Mihaela Nicoleta Scoala Gimnaziala " Mihai Dragan" Bacau & Inspectoratul Scolar Județean Bacau & Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova


Alecsandri; writer-citizen; historical literature; folk poetry; poetic language; historic drama; literal language


The poet Vasile Alecsandri has always had the conscience of the writer-citizen, his entire work being directly addressed to the public. His desire “to write” was the starting point in opening new paths, in literature in general, and in historical literature in particular. 

The importance of language in the destiny of the Romanian people was defined by Alecsandri as the most precious treasure that children inherit from their parents, the most sacred deposit left by past generations.

Author Biography

Prof. Ichim-Radu Mihaela Nicoleta, Scoala Gimnaziala " Mihai Dragan" Bacau & Inspectoratul Scolar Județean Bacau & Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova


Scoala Gimnaziala " Mihai Dragan" Bacau

Inspectoratul Scolar Județean Bacau

Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova




How to Cite

Ichim-Radu, M. N. (2021). Alecsandri’s Work and the Romanian Language Literary in the Nineteenth Century. Sciencia Journal, 1, 11–14. Retrieved from